Advantages of DoBrass Rainfall Shower Faucet
Because the shower head is designed to emulate the way rain falls, you can expect more water to flow out of the shower head. That way, you will be completely drenched in water. Taking a bath under a rainfall shower head will be exactly like taking a bath in the rain but only with cleaner water.
The 10-inch rainfall shower head has a very wide face with many holes. That is because the shower head is designed to have a wide coverage.This adds to the overall experience of being close to taking a bath in the rain. You will have your entire body soaked not leaving any part out of the water.
For the more traditional showers, you might have felt pain when the jets were spraying too strong. Well, with rainfall shower head you won’t have to feel that anymore. Rainfall shower head can spray out water the way the sky lets out rain drops. You will feel every drop of water trickle on you calmly making you more relaxed when you take a shower.
Three functions shower is in right now because this gives you the convenience of having one rotating shower head, one handheld which you can use for focusing on certain parts or showing your pets, and one tub spout which fulfills the bathtub in a few minutes. Gone are the days when you only can choose one. This is the shower system that has three functions for your convenience.